AMA on Coval/EmblemVault with founder Shannon Code in Polygon Telegram — May 2021

9 min readMay 30, 2021

Interviewer: Hello @shannoncode, welcome to Polygon community how are you doing today? 😁

Shannon Code: I’m pretty great, Very happy to be here

Interviewer: We are excited as well, thanks for being here, let’s begin with the AMA

Interviewer: Please tell us a little about yourself and how Circuits of Value (COVAL) and Emblem Vault came into being?

Shannon Code: Fantastic, and congrats on the integration with Google

Interviewer: Thanks a lot 🙌

Shannon Code: Around 2013 I started working for a company that wanted to universalize stored value and loyalty cards by bringing them to a blockchain. Durring a pivot by the company, they were going to abandon the currency they had developed (ribbit Rewards) and I talked them into giving the codebase over to me.

I then renamed Ribbit Rewards to Circuits of Value, moved the token to Counterparty and began experimenting with writing crypto based applications.

I’m a lifelong software developer, self taught, been writing code since I was a little kid, I love code so much, I changed my last name to Code

Fast forward a few years, and while trying to solve a problem of “How to make a crypto address without knowing the keys” Emblem Vault was born.

Interviewer: That’s awesome 👌

Interviewer: That’s really interesting

Shannon Code: We designed a system by which a private key was derived in secret and turned into crypto currency address(s) and then minted an NFT and attached the encrypted keys, along with the plaintext address(s) allowing anyone to essentially treat the NFT (Vault) like a portable / transferable wallet.

We realized that this Emblem Vault idea is analogous to a container, envelope, box, etc. that can in very unique ways enable cross chain swaps, multi asset transactions, and much more.

Shannon Code: Fun little history, one of our early experiments involved making automation using Zapier, and one of our earliest automations utilized a service called Dagger, (An old MATIC project)

Interviewer: Wow, this makes me really curious please tell us a bit more about Emblem Vault and its features?

Shannon Code: Features:

Can hold many different types of assets.

- At creation time a btc and evm based address is generated. We have since enabled the ability to generate other addresses after creation, such as doge, dgb and more

- Any crypto currencies sent to these addresses are then reflected in the balances section of the vault

- We support many different EVM chains as well, along with Omni and XCP

At creation time you have the ability to choose to make the addresses (and therefor the contents) of a vault “hidden”

- Anyone viewing the Vault on our site, or any other wallet that supports NFT assets, will not be able to see the contents of the vault

- There is a password field on these private vaults, that will decrypt the addresses and query for balances.

— This means you can essentially create privacy tokens out of any blockchain token.

At creation time you have the ability to include hidden data within the vault

- This data is only available once the vault is opened.

Emblem Vault was one of the first NFT’s that allowed the use of EMBED links instead of just images and videos.

- This opens up a world of possibilities as to the types of NFT’s one can make with Vaults

Our newest feature allows you to include 2 EMBED links at creation time. One for general viewing, and a second for the actual vault owner.

- This can be used for quite a few interesting NFT’s as well. for example we have a vault that when viewed by most peopele they can see the trailer for the movie “Teminator” while the actual owner of the NFT can view the entire movie.

- This NFT can be transferred, and the new owner can view this actual movie.

One of the exciting uses we have been helping with lately, is the ability to rescue assets, or allow them to be movable on new blockchains. Counterparty users created RAREPEPE’s arguably one of the earliest NFT sets.

By creating a Vault on Polygon, loading the vault up with XCP PEPE assets, the owner can now sell, trade, transfer these counterparty NFT’s simply using any Polygon wallet.

Emblem Vault is deployed across many EVM based networks, allowing this wrapping so to speak of assets from chain to chain with ease.

Vaults can even contain other Vaults “Inception style”

Now…. Lets say someone is interested in the contents of a vault. Once they have acquired the vault, they have the option to “CLAIM” it, which essentially burns the NFT, and delivers the keys for the addresses within the vault.

Since the NFT is burnt, it can never again be transferred.

Phew —

As you can see what we’ve really built is a multi blockchain envelope that can contain many crypto things. And enabled some creative features which can be configured in many ways. Enabling the easy creation of some powerful NFT’s

— —

Give yourself some time to recover from the brain melt I just delivered, and you will realize the crazy possibilities utilizing vaults.

Interviewer: This this indeed true 🙌 and so many awesome features 🔥🔥

Shannon Code: More examples of things that can be done with vaults are here:

Interviewer: Haha… Was just thinking about so many things one can do with this 🤩

Interviewer: Do check this out guys 👌🔥

Shannon Code: imagine a famous youtubepersonality using the multiple embed feature, publicly is some pretty picture, but to the owners of the NFT, it’s an exclusive chat room that only the NFT owners can participate in, with the celebrity!!!

I’d buy that, if it was the right personality

Interviewer: Such a power🔥

Shannon Code: Making a vault private and loading it with collectables. Selling it on a website as a “Surprise pack” where you are guaranteed to get 1 rare, but sometimes you might get an epic collectible, emulating the trading card experience.

Interviewer: After AMA I’m definitely going to try this out 😂

Shannon Code: We just enabled our bridge to move $Coval from ethereum to polygon and back. $Coval (Circuits of Value) is the token used to pay for Vault creation. It’s also available to purchase using Transak or Quickswap on Polygon

Interviewer: Wonderful

Interviewer: With this amazing project what are the major milestones COVAL has achieved so far and what can we expect from you guys in the future?

Shannon Code: Embeds inside NFT’s and the introduction of this feature on Opensea is huge

NFT’s that can behave different for owners than everyone else is also pretty exciting.

We now store the metadata, images and balances on IPFS for permenance.

We have deployed Emblem Vault (and $Coval) on Ethereum, Polygon, BSC, Fantom and xDai

We have designed the address generation in a way that makes adding support for new tokens and blockchain pretty trivial

Expect to see us continuing to deploy to other networks, and enabling new token support.

Our next high value milestone is our move to Secret Network for all the key generation, encrtyption and decryption pieces.

Shortly we will be releasing a marketplace which enables the trading of any NFT for any other NFT (Not limited to Vaults)

This marketplace will be deployed to all networks Emblem Vault supports.

We have the contracts complete for this swap functionality and are actively working on making an intuitive UI for users.

After that, we will be working on making the entire system modular, and allow other projects to utilize the system to make their own Vault like NFT’s and Storefronts

That should cover the rest of the year 😉

Oh, lastly, the NFT/NFT swap enables an OTC like DEX, where people can make their own pairings, enabling any asset to any asset swaps, along with any asset on any blockchain to swap with other assets on different chains

for example, I can load a Vault on Polygon with Rarepepe cards, and trade it for another Vault that’s loaded with Ethereum, essentially a cross chain swap, between XCP and Ethereum, performed on the Polygon blockchain

the combination possibilities are mind boggling

Interviewer: That is really cool

Shannon Code: For example:

Interviewer: I think there are many in the community who would love to join COVAL and stay up to date with all the news. What’s the best way to keep in touch?

Shannon Code: Our official telegram is located here:


Interviewer: Awesome 🔥 guys join to get all the latest updates and the awesome features here 👆👆

Shannon Code: Ticker: $COVAL

Supply across all deployed blockchains

Circulating supply: 1.48b

Total supply: 1.77b

Deployed on the following blockchains: (contract address)

ETH: 0x3d658390460295fb963f54dc0899cfb1c30776df

BSC: 0xd15cee1deafbad6c0b3fd7489677cc102b141464

FTM: 0x8b8407c6184f1f0fd1082e83d6a3b8349caced12

xDai: 0x8b8407c6184f1f0fd1082e83d6a3b8349caced12

Polygon: 0x4597c8A59Ab28B36840B82B3A674994A279593D0

Emblem Vault is also deployed across ALL of the above blockchains, and it’s compatible with Bitcoin and Counterparty!

Official Team

Shannon Code:

Dawn Code:

Eric Porper:

Official websites

Create your own Emblem Vault : Connect your Metamask!


How to


Official Telegram Channels

Coval Official Chat: @Coval_Chat

Coval Price Chat: @Lounge_Chat

Coval Announcement Channel: @Coval_Announcements

Coval Unibot price channel: @uncbotCOVAL

Circuitbuilder channel: @Circuit_Builder

Coval Asian Community: @Coval_Asia

Coval German Speaking Community: @coval_Germany

Coval Russia Community: @circuitsofvalueru

Coval Netherlands: @coval_nl

Set up your Metamask for our different networks!

Buy and Trade $COVAL — use above contract addresses on the correct network DEX!

- Uniswap (ETH DEX):

- Pancakeswap (BSC DEX):

- Sushiswap (FTM DEX):

- Honeyswap (xDai DEX):

- QuickSwap (DEX, Layer 2):

- Stex:

- Bilaxy:

- Resfinex (Note higher withdrawal fees):

- Hoo (Note higher withdrawal fees);

Price monitoring

Recent Media

- AMA:



- Youtuber Vid (Bitkoyn 10x):

- Update (February 2021):

Chico Crypto Promotional Segment

Other Resources

Suggestion Box:

“Top Influencer” Submissions:


or connect with the team on Telegram or Discord!

Interviewer: Superb, now let us hear from our community and what they have in mind 😁 @shannoncode

Shannon Code: Fantastic! Let’s go

Interviewer: I’ll be opening the chat to the community

Sherif Zadrick: What are the incentive points, that you provided to the ensure security of the polygon NFTS

Shannon Code: Currently all key genertion and encryption features take place in google HSM (hardware security module) The move to secret network will further decentralize this.

Senaya samanmali: You told you are a code developer, So No one can achieve anything valuable on its own, please tell us about your current and future partnerships that will lead you to success in this highly cramped crypto space?I am an EXPERIENCED DEVELOPER AND ETHICAL HACKER, do you have plans for HACKATHON so as to check the security of your ecosytem periodically and also invite developers to build?

Shannon Code: community involvement is a pretty big item on our bucket list, since we are at the point where people can make things with Emblem Vault, we will be shifting from building features, to building events, training materials, and helping with integrations. Hackathons are a great idea as well.

iBo: Can I use the Circuits of Value platform easily? Is there a practice guide?

Shannon Code:

DesktopCommando: Ive made a guide (cant post links it in here thou)

cryptosnor: check them out here

Sherif Zadrick: Today CARBON EMISSION is really affected to the environment .

Shannon Code: this is an interesting point, With Emblem Vault, High carbon PoW assets can be moved to a chain with less Carbon impact and transferred, without the underlying assets needing to move on their native chain anymore.

Senaya samanmali: In your opinion what’s the best way for a newcomer to promote their their #NFT? I think this is crucial question for community. and also tell us breif inforamation about $COVAL roadmap and upcoming nft project

Shannon Code: Well this part is something I’m not an expert in. From my research many sucessful NFT artists already have a community that they bring with them. Otherwise, newcomers will need to build a community in order to popularize their NFT’s

sukkru: How strong is your security?

Shannon Code: we have worked to make things quite secure, but as I’m a security hobbiest and have spoken extensively about blockchain and security, I’m always open to enhancements and bug bounties.

David: Can you tell us a little bit about which kinds of experiences you’re building on Polygon and what are the advantages of COVAL working with Polygon?

Shannon Code: Polygon really made things simple to deploy on Polygon by keeping it extremely like Ethereum as far as the API’s and other ways to interact with the network. Thanks to meta mask, the user experience of moving between Ethereum and Polygon is pretty simple.

Shannon Code: I really appreciate everyone’s time and this opportunity to describe our exciting project Emblem Vault to everyone. Looking forward to see what creative uses you all come up with.

Shannon Code: Thanks again everyone, Hope to see you over on our telegram channels.

Interviewer: @shannoncode this was really awesome, thank you so much for sharing everything 🙌

Interviewer: The AMA has ended

